Heartbreak is a severe emotional pain that results from disappointment in a relationship between two people. This condition not only affects mental health but also directly affects the body. Many people may experience sudden chest pain or shortness of breath. Although the exact cause of this disease is still unclear, it is widely believed that it is caused by a sudden increase in a hormone in the body, often the result of severe stress or deep sadness, making it difficult to move on. Therefore, we would like to recommend 7 ways to overcome the feeling of disappointment from love that is stuck in your heart for a brighter new beginning. Girls can follow the following.

1. Be sad to the max and then stop being sad.
It is recommended not to let anyone in right away. Advice from psychologists Because after a breakup, you need to give yourself some space and time. Always hug yourself. Even though you may not be the best and feel sad or weak to the point of crying, it doesn’t mean that you can’t smile and be strong again. So set a goal to cry, be sad and be very sad for only 1 week or 2-3 days. Then change into a new person immediately.
2. Remember that you will definitely come back.
When a loss occurs, everyone naturally feels heavy grief. This is because it is a pattern or pattern of human emotion changes, which is clearly modeled by researchers. The initial emotion is denial or unacceptability. Then it becomes anger and may lead to negotiations, hoping to return to the original point. But if nothing happens, it will become hopelessness. And in the end, all the emotions mentioned above will become acceptance of the truth. So you should remember that no matter what happens, how heartbroken you are, in the end, human emotions will definitely return to the original point.
3. Take better care of yourself.
During your recovery, it is important to prioritize self-care above all else, both physically and mentally, as you will not be able to effectively manage stress if your body is still feeling unwell or your mind is overly anxious. The benefits of taking care of yourself during this time will be obvious when both your body and mind feel comfortable, strong and recover very quickly.
4. Find activities that benefit you.
When you feel sad and disappointed, it’s common for your mind to dwell on the past and loved ones, hindering your ability to move on. So one way to move forward is to find new activities that interest you, or even schedule time to explore them. This will help you change your mood and mood, and add excitement and challenge. With something new, you can release yourself from the โปรโมชั่น ufabet pain and sadness you’re currently experiencing.
5. Do not shine or be aware for at least 60 days.
The most important thing to avoid for a recovering mind is meeting your ex or not checking out any of their social media pages for 60-90 days. This will help you focus on yourself and truly understand your needs. Without external distractions, you will quickly find peace and acceptance.
6. See your own worth a lot.
Good mental health starts with you. It is recommended to encourage and appreciate yourself, especially during difficult times. During these times, you may be more likely to focus on others than yourself, including what they say, past experiences, and exes. If you continue to dwell on these things and criticize yourself negatively, you will only make things worse.
7. Learn from what happened.
It is very important that you always realize that the relationship between you and your ex has ended. Whether it ended beautifully or not, what you gained from the relationship is life experience and love. You learned how to love someone properly, choosing to remember and feel good about the warm moments. Because the way to move on is to open your heart to accept and understand the situation sincerely. You should not speak or be prejudiced against your ex. Because in addition to sending negative energy to those around you, it will also hurt you without you knowing.
Heartbreak is an emotional condition that occurs due to disappointment and sadness. If you can’t move on, it can affect your physical and mental well-being. This article offers various methods to help you move on and cope with the pain, overcome your sadness, and help you recover faster.